Mother Teresa's canonization has brought fresh attention to her critics who malign her for the politicians she knew, for how she handled the enormous sums of money she raised, and for the quality of care she offered those she served.
Christopher Hitchens claimed she was “less interested in helping the poor than in using them . . . to fuel the expansion of her fundamentalist Roman Catholic beliefs.”
A group of Canadian academics criticized her in their study for “her rather dubious way of caring for the sick, her questionable political contacts . . . and her overly dogmatic views regarding abortion, contraception, and divorce.”
Now comes Bill Donohue, the indefatigable President of the Catholic League, who is fighting back.
In this carefully researched book, Donohue pulls the curtain back on Mother Teresa's critics, showing that virtually all of them shared an abiding disdain for Catholicism.
Her critics were militant atheists, Donohue explains, and strongly embraced socialism, viewing Mother Teresa's work as a deterrent to government-controlled programs.
In these pages, Donahue responds point-by-point to all of these malignant claims, and proves that such attacks on Mother Teresa are motivated almost entirely by her conviction that life begins in the womb.
Don't let Mother Teresa's critics win. Read this book, and be armed with all the evidence you need to put to rest those cruel myths that are being promoted by those who wish to destroy the legacy of one of the Church's most admired saints.