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Gospa Missions Retreat - Call to Conversion

May 17, 2025 8:30am - 5pm 

Registration, Breakfast, & Confession start at 7:30 am

Join us for a faith-filled day of conversion, healing, and peace as we open our hearts to the Will of God in our lives.

We will share in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Adoration, opportunities for confession, the Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy, breakfast and lunch, time to shop for religious items and inspiring books, and talks by four great speakers.

Highfield Community Center
229 Highfield Rd.
Butler, PA 16001

Premiere Sponsor 

Dave VanVickle

Co-host of podcast “Every Knee Shall Bow”

Dave VanVickle fell in love with the Lord at the age of 14 and has dedicated his life to bringing others into a radical relationship with Christ. He is a popular speaker and retreat leader who presents on topics related to spiritual warfare, the universal call to holiness, and authentic Catholic spirituality. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville and has years of experience assisting priests with their ministries of deliverance and exorcism. He is also co-host of the popular Ascension podcast “Every Knee Shall Bow.” Dave resides in Pittsburgh with his five children: Sam, Max, Judah, Josie, and Louisa.

Deacon John Ragan

Serves at Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Our Lady’s Power Hour

Deacon John Ragan was ordained as a Deacon for the Diocese of Pittsburgh in 2011. John has been a life-long Catholic who always felt God's presence in his life, even as a young person. His college years were some of the most formative and meaningful years for his Catholic faith. He coached his sons’ teams (mostly baseball and basketball) for 19 years but not from a standpoint of winning games. His goal was to help form young men into the person that God created them to be. At the beginning of practice, before they would ever touch a ball, they would pray, discuss the importance of attending Mass, talk about aspects of life such as respect for others, dating, and schoolwork. He would encourage them to trust the Lord with life's issues. He now serves as Deacon in his home parish of Saints Joachim and Anne in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. He has been married to his wife Nanette for 36 years, and they have 4 sons and 3 granddaughters. He enjoys time with family and the outdoors. He has worked as an actuary for Highmark for the past 32 years.

Sister Rita Clare Yoches - Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R. of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother

Former Women’s Professional Football Player

Sr. Rita Clare Yoches made her final vows to Jesus Christ in 2018 in Toronto, Ohio, with the Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R. of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother.

Formerly Anne Yoches, she went to a Catholic grade school and high school in Dearborn, Michigan. She went to Mass every Sunday as a family and thought that was all you had to do as a Catholic. She had Bernadine Franciscan Sisters teach her there but she never thought about becoming a nun. She excelled in school and sports. She received a full scholarship to play Division I basketball at the University of Detroit-Mercy. She graduated with a degree in Sports Medicine. After college, she opened up a private training facility for athletes and played women’s professional football, winning four national titles with her team. Her life started steamrolling down the wrong path until one Sunday at Mass the Priest preached on 1 Corinthians 11:27-30 about the importance of receiving Holy Communion in a worthy manner without being in the state of mortal sin, so she got to confession as soon as she could and that priest helped save her life. The awesome journey begins…destination: eternal life!

She has worked with the poor for 5 years and has done campus ministry at Florida State University for 7 years. She has been featured on EWTN’s Life on the Rock.

Hannah Langdon

Founder of Maria for Life

Hannah Langdon was raised a Christian, but converted into the fullness of truth in the Catholic Church shortly after graduating college. A long-time volunteer in the pro-life movement, she led a grassroots effort to fight Ohio's radical abortion amendment in 2023 and helped found Maria for Life to engage Catholics in pro-life prayer and activism. She currently works at a nonprofit that develops economic and financial literacy curriculum resources. She lives in the Greater Cincinnati area near her parents and seven siblings.