There have been so many hymns written to the Blessed Mother and this CD captures the most popular and treasured of those songs. Great for a May Crowning, prayer time, meditation, rosary. Check out the excellent selection and see many of your favourite Marian songs:
List of Songs :
1. Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above
2. Ave Maria (Arcadelt)
3. Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
4. Regina Caeli Laetare
5. Hail, Mary, Gentle Woman
6. Serdeczna Matko
7. Sing of Mary
8. Annunciation Carol
9. Hail, Queen of Heaven
10. The Joys of Mary
11. At the Cross Her Station Keeping
12. On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
13. Ave Maria
14. Nova, Nova
15. Como Estrella en Claro Cielo
16. Ave Maria
17. Mary the Dawn
18. Mary Immaculate, Star of the Morning
19. Salve Regina
20. Immaculate Mary
21. Ave Maria (Schubert)