- 14kt gold plated medal
- 24kt gold over sterling silver chain.
- Gift boxed.
- Written along the front boarder: "O Mary, Ark of The New Covenant, Pray for Us"
- Written on the back on the medal : "For Behold All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed "Luke 1:28".
I invite you to enter The Ark.
My soul moves me to its deepest sanctuary to give all glory to God for He is everything, and I am nothing.
In 2009, after taking 33 days (one day for each of the 33 years Jesus lived and walked on holy ground), I consecrated myself to Jesus, and He placed me spiritually into the mold of Mary, His Living Ark, and Preborn Jesus Ministry became my humble apostolate.
The mission asked of me?
Through sacred artwork-
1. To inspire a devotion to Jesus in the Preborn aspect of His life within the womb of Mary, and
2. To promulgate a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, His and our Mother, under the title, Ark of The New Covenant.
You are invited to visit the About tab on prebornJesus.com and read about as well as visualize how the Holy Spirit, drawing upon the Incarnation, unfolded our sacred artwork with the consistent theme of what my mind's eye witnessed while in adoration; namely Jesus encircled by a rosary within the sacred womb of Mary:
First a pencil sketch, then a watercolor, next a statue, followed by vestments, after that pro life icons, and finally, our gold medal of Mary, Ark of The New Covenant!
There is a secret to understanding the meaning of this unique gold medal.
When All Generations Call Her Blessed, a transformation will have taken place. No longer will one contemplate the wonderful designs of God by one's own human standard; rather, it will be by the means of Mary, the Woman of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 11:19; 12:1.
This is because when God created His Mother, He did what you and I would have done if you or I were God. He made His Mother as pure as a lily and created Her free from sin in a way only He could do because He is God. He Saved Mary By The Foreseen Merits Of His Own Passion, Death And Resurrection!
And before He breathed his last, Jesus gave us one final gift, He gave us His Mother! Mary is seen as the spiritual Mother of all disciples at the scene of the crucifixion.
We can easily see the connection with Revelation 12, as the dragon, who represents the devil, goes off “to make war on the rest of her [Mary’s] offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus” (Rev. 12:17).
It is from Jesus that the Blessed Mother derives the power to defeat Satan, and it is with Him that She exercises it! Like the ark of old in the Battle of Jericho, today we are taking Mary, The Ark of The New Covenant, into Battle.
She is our warrior queen for these times. Through this medal which is a sacramental, we can be clothed in the grace of God. Enter The battle through The Ark and prepare for The Triumph.
With Sincere Thanks To Jesus on His Birthday, for "birthing" our new medal to give Him glory and to give His Mother honor!
To Jesus, Through Mary, His Ark,