Originally published in 1960, Angelus Press has reprinted this Missal in full color.
A prayer book for young Catholics in a language so simple that every child can understand, Jesus Make Me Worthy missal combines useful instruction for Communion and Confirmation and a large selection of devotions and prayers.
Truly a beautiful little book, it contains everything a Catholic child must know about the practice of the faith and spirituality. Ideal for First Holy Communions and Confirmations, but suitable for any occasion. 287 pages, includes tons of prayers and over 90 illustrations (over half are in full color).
Also includes:
Crucifixion end sheet with indulgenced prayer
First Holy Communion remembrance page
Table of movable feasts
Some things you must know about God
The meaning of life
"My Child, Give Me thy Heart"
Morning prayers
Evening prayers
The Holy Mass
Meaning of Mass
A method of following the Mass (profusely illustrated)
Prayers after Mass
Things every Mass server should know
Manner of Serving at Mass
The Seven Sacraments
On Sin
Examination of Conscience
After the Examination
Holy Communion
Prayers before Communion
Prayers after Communion
Preparation for First Communion
The Sacrament of Holy Confirmation
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
The Stations of the Cross (each Station illustrated in full color)
Litany of the Sacred Heart
Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Litany of St. Joseph
The Catholic Child and Parents
The Catholic Child and the Priest
The Catholic Child and the Religious Sister
The Catholic Child in Church
The Catholic Child and Confession
The Catholic Child and Holy Communion
The Catholic Child and the Rosary
The Catholic Child and Indulgences
The Catholic Child and the Sacred Heart
The Catholic Child and the Blessed Virgin
The Catholic Child and St. Joseph
The Catholic Child and the Saints
The Catholic Child and the Souls in Purgatory
The Catholic Child and Vocation
The Ten Commandments
The Six Precepts of the Church
The Beatitudes
A short and simple Way of Life for a Child
An interesting feature: The missal section has 12 illustrations to help the child follow the main parts of the Mass. The priest is shown in each, but the reredos behind the altar has a DIFFERENT image in each picture. The image on the reredos is from the life of Our Lord or the Apostles and reflects what the action of the priest represents. A thoughtful child, with a little instruction, could be lead to a profound understanding of the Mass from these details alone.
4" x 5", sewn, gold-embossed lexotone cover, WHITE COVER