Prodigal You Love: Inviting Loved Ones Back To Church
When your loved one falls away from the Church, treat them gently and with great love.
"The tragedy of God's longing, and of ours, is that even God, despite his omnipotence, chooses not to guarantee our loved one's return to the practice of the faith. God does not force anyone to be in relationship with him; if he did, it would not be a relationship of love." -From the Introduction
When someone you love leaves the Catholic Church, they need a great deal of prayer and love. However, approaching that person with the charity that they deserve and need can be confusing. Sr. Theresa Noble, a former fallen-away Catholic, gently voices ways to talk with and love those who have fallen away.
Starting with her story, Sr. Theresa covers the necessary parts of talking with those who have left the Church, told through the lens of the Parable of the Prodigal Son. She addresses the virtues and traits of the father, and how they should apply to approaching those you love. With gentleness, she encourages you to approach them where they are, while emphasizing the importance of the faith.
Above all, she reminds you that God loves your Prodigal even more than you do. With her gentle encouragement, she will lead you to continue to hope for their conversion, so that you might share the joy of the Father when The Prodigal You Love returns home.