We live in a society that imposes constant spiritual threats upon our lives. No matter who you are, the dangers of multimedia are the same. Its influence can affect your spiritual life. We must learn to defend ourselves against these threats, otherwise we risk surrendering our souls to malicious corruption. In this book, you will discover how to guard your spirituality and live a better life.
The author, Paul Ruggieri, has spent his 33-year television career watching the effects of multimedia on peoples’ lives. He is a television producer, a TV photojournalist, and editor. Paul has worked on national and international documentaries and has earned 34 Emmy awards for his work. He knows well what he is sharing with you.
Every time we turn on the TV, computer, watch a video on a phone, listen to music, or go to the movies, the doors to our hearts are opened. This book explains two processes used by demons to break down your moral values through multimedia. Their goal is to push each of us far away from faith in God.
Their prize is your soul.
Learn how to put on spiritual armor in this battle. Every key aspect of the Catholic Faith is explained with Scriptural evidence. Do you or someone you know struggle with faith? Are you aware of TV and multimedia influence in your life? What about abortion? Can you defend the faith when non-believers attack your beliefs? Do you want a better relationship with Jesus?
This is SPIRITUAL WARFARE! And you should be able to prove that the Catholic Faith is the One True Faith after reading Answers for Troubled Times.
Note: In 1989, at the age of 24, Paul and his wife Marie made a pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Gospa Missions and its founder Tom Rutkoski. This book is a direct result of the Blessed Mother changing Paul’s heart while on this trip and Tom’s mentorship.