These laminated cards fromGerffert offer the best Catholicimagery in the marketplacetoday. Cards feature adistinctive design with goldfoil stamping on the front and aprayer on the back with crystalclear laminating for durability.On back of this Card:Take TimeTake time to think;it is the source of power.Take time to read;it is the foundation of wisdom.Take time to play;it is the secret of staying young.Take time to be quiet;it is the opportunity to see God.Take time to be aware;it is the opportunity to help others.Take time to love and be loved;it is God's greatest gift.Take time to laugh;it is the music of the soul.Take time to be friendly;it is the road to happiness.Take time to share;life is too short to be selfish.Take time to pray;it is the greatest power on earth.
Material: Laminated Cardstock
Size: 2.675" W x 4.375" H