Aside from the Holy Eucharist, no sacrament of the Catholic Church is more important to leading a Christian life and growing in virtue than Confession. In it, the torrent of Christ's Precious Blood is poured onto us to relieve us of our guilt for sin and provide the graces necessary to become holier and avoid vice. Why, then, do so many Christians avoid this sacrament instead?
For those who are fearful, dubious, unrepentant, or otherwise reluctant, Bishop Louis Gaston de Segur provides Confession: A Little Book for the Reluctant to allay fears and to give courage in approaching Confession, that Sacrament which will unlock the Gates of Heaven for many. With over 30 common objections answered and put to rest with the good bishop's particular kindness, wit, and wisdom, this short booklet will ensure no one will demur from approaching Our Lord to get shriven in this most holy and readily available sacrament.
Bishop Louis Gaston de Segur organized the first Eucharistic Congress in Lille, France, in 1881. He was a prolific author of apologetic and catechetical works, as well as a leader of charitable efforts. His works span all aspects of the Christian life and have found much use both in the original French and in translation.