Gospa Missions Blog
Life seemed so much simpler back in the day. Have you ever heard someone say that? Sometimes, it feels like life is filled with more struggles now than ever. People might feel that way as they get older because they have lived through more situations, and it just seems like there are more challenges. When going through any type of struggle, it is reassuring to know we have a warrior--Saint Michael the Archangel--by our side, helping us in battle.Read now
Mary, Undoer of Knots by Ann Walker
Read now"Mother Most Pure, I come to You today to beg you to undo this knot in my life...."
There are times in our lives when we feel like we are stuck in a situation. How do we proceed so that we can move forward with positivity towards a successful resolution? How do we untie the knots in our lives?
Just like unwrapping a present, our Mother Mary helps us to undo the problems that try to keep us tangled up in confusion. We just need to ask for Mary to go to Her son, Jesus and present our situations to Him.
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina - "Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry" by Ann Walker
Read now“Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry”
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a great defense against worry. Saint Pio can be our guide towards forgiveness and repentance. His feast day—on September 23--is a perfect time to think about modeling our lives after this loving Saint.
Mary, the Rosary, and Spiritual Armor by Ann Walker
When we hear about the media criticizing Catholics who pray the Rosary, we can't help but become firmer in our recognition that Mary provides protections for us amongst the many battles we face. Especially in these trying times, it is ever so vital to ask for Mary's intercession.Read now -
Saint Teresa of Calcutta by Ann Walker
Some days can be very challenging. Saint Teresa can be a great model to follow when we need to keep our chin up and just smile. She has many great quotes to help guide us through our days. We can do well to learn more about her life and learn ways to follow her example.Read now -
St. Augustine of Hippo by Ann Walker
St. Augustine of Hippo is known for some catchy quotes. How did he become such an eloquent mouthpiece for God when he was "far away" from doing anything like that as a young adult? What can we learn about the hopefulness of prayers and God's intentions for our lives? Let's take a glimpse into the lives of Saint Augustine and his mother, Saint Monica and see how prayer plays a big part in our lives.Read now -
The Divine Merciful Love of Jesus Christ by Deborah Ann Keefe
Read nowDoes Jesus love us? He continues to seek and find us in every way possible! In our time, humanity needs a strong proclamation and witness of God’s mercy. Beloved Pope St. John Paul II, a great apostle of Divine Mercy,...
Final Preparations by Cecelia Reynolds
So, Advent is almost over and maybe, like me, you think you didn’t make it as prayerful as you planned. We want to be prepared for Christ’s coming, but life seems to put up roadblocks. That’s when it is important to remember God doesn’t expect perfection. He knows we will make mistakes. The fact that we made a conscious effort to improve our prayer life during Advent shows we were on the right track. The important thing is to keep on trying. We can and must strive to better our prayer habits.Read now -
12 Days of Christmas
The feast of Christmas is more than just a one-day celebration. The Incarnation of Our Lord merits more! Today, people mistakenly think the 12 days of Christmas refer to a countdown from December 12th to Christmas Eve, something tied to the number of shopping days. Those who “keep Christmas” as Dickens phrased it in A Christmas Carol, know this is not what Christmas is about. The Christmas season is from December 25th until Epiphany (the coming of the Wise Men) on January 6th.Read now