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Gospa Missions Blog

  • Saint Gerard Majella by Ann Walker
    October 6, 2022

    Saint Gerard Majella by Ann Walker

    Saint Gerard's Feast Day is October 16. He is known as the Patron Saint for expectant mothers, safe deliveries, children, and more! Saint Gerard is a great example of "seeing in my neighbor the Person of Jesus Christ."
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  • Our Lady of the Rosary by Dawn Sanders
    October 4, 2022

    Our Lady of the Rosary by Dawn Sanders

    There is a reason why St. Padre Pio considered the rosary to be a powerful weapon. Our success is influenced by the intercession of Blessed Mary and all the saints and angels. We need this heavenly army beside us in the conflicts of this life.
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  • Saint Francis of Assisi by Ann Walker
    September 29, 2022

    Saint Francis of Assisi by Ann Walker

    When thinking about Saint Francis--especially on his feast day (October 4), it is easy to picture him being friendly and loving towards animals. Saint Francis had such a love of all of God's creation that he not only showed compassion for animals but he did God's work in helping people and rebuilding the Church. The following are some insights about how Saint Francis' love spilled over into the world.
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  • Saint Therese of Lisieux by Ann Walker
    September 22, 2022

    Saint Therese of Lisieux by Ann Walker

    Although she is considered a Doctor of the Church and is often called “Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face,” one of Saint Therese of Lisieux’s best known titles is “Saint Therese, The Little Flower.” The following are some insights on this wonderful Saint.
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  • St. Michael the Archangel by Ann Walker
    September 15, 2022

    St. Michael the Archangel by Ann Walker

    Life seemed so much simpler back in the day. Have you ever heard someone say that? Sometimes, it feels like life is filled with more struggles now than ever. People might feel that way as they get older because they have lived through more situations, and it just seems like there are more challenges. When going through any type of struggle, it is reassuring to know we have a warrior--Saint Michael the Archangel--by our side, helping us in battle. 
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  • Mary, Undoer of Knots  by Ann Walker
    September 8, 2022

    Mary, Undoer of Knots by Ann Walker

    "Mother Most Pure, I come to You today to beg you to undo this knot in my life...."

    There are times in our lives when we feel like we are stuck in a situation. How do we proceed so that we can move forward with positivity towards a successful resolution? How do we untie the knots in our lives?

    Just like unwrapping a present, our Mother Mary helps us to undo the problems that try to keep us tangled up in confusion. We just need to ask for Mary to go to Her son, Jesus and present our situations to Him.

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  • Saint Teresa of Calcutta by Ann Walker
    August 18, 2022

    Saint Teresa of Calcutta by Ann Walker

    Some days can be very challenging. Saint Teresa can be a great model to follow when we need to keep our chin up and just smile. She has many great quotes to help guide us through our days. We can do well to learn more about her life and learn ways to follow her example.
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